Thursday, September 30, 2010

my dream jobs

my dream jobs are being a football player and a baseball player and a school builder.i like football beacause my brother used to play wolfpack.i want to be a baseball player beacause chris plays baseball.and i want to be a school builder beacuse i love school. THE END.

Friday, September 24, 2010

my dog

my dog is really cool. if you have a treat for him and say sit paw he will give you a paw.he sometimes gose up staris.he love milk bone if you dont say sit with a bone he will still dog plays dogs name is is dolltin.

yay its friday!

thank goodnis it is friday.but i love shcool.and on sat.i am going to last name is jackson. i have a dog, and 1 sister, and 2 mom and dad are relley nice. i live in a 2 story best friend is gavin neff.he gose to shcool with teachers are mr.lance and teachersare really nice to.